
Amazon Web Services

Create a Webserver

Create VPC

  1. Use Following parameters:
  1. Enable “DNS resolution”
  2. Enable “DNS hostnames”

Create Subnet

For this simple webserver I will only use one subnet and it will be public. Create it with the following parameters: * Name: open-to-web * VPC: open-to-web * CIDR Block:

Create Security Groups

Create two security groups within EC2. They should be the following:

Security Group to allow web traffic

Security Group Configuration: * Security group name: “http-https-from-everywhere” * Description: “Allow http and https requests from everywhere” * VPC: “open-to-web” Add Rule for HTTP: * Type: “HTTP” * Source: “Anywhere” * Description: “allow incoming http requests” Add Rule for HTTPS * Type: “HTTPS” * Source: “Anywhere” * Description: “allow incoming https requests”

Security Group to allow SSH to server

This group will allow you to ssh from home. It should only be attached to the instance once while provisioning or maintenance the instance. Security Group Configuration: * Security group name: “ssh-from-home” * Description: “ssh from home” * VPC: “open-to-web” Add Rule for SSH. This rule can (and should) be suspended when not provisioning the webserver * Type: “SSH” * Source: “My IP” * Description: “allow ssh from home”

Create Internet Gateway

Route Tables

Edit the route table created when you created the VPC. It should be the only one associated with the VPC “open-to-web”. Add a route with the following parameters: * Destination: * Target: Internet gateway “open-to-web”

Launch Instance

Create an instance. You will provision it later

Elastic IP Address

Create a new EIP and associate it to the instance.

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Copyright 2021 · Eric D. Weise